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My Account

How do I change my account details?
  • From the QPay app on your phone

    • Tap on Help > Profile > Edit to make changes to your name, email or current university

  • From the QPay web app

    • Head to the Help & Settings page to make changes to your name, email or current university

How do I change my password?
  • From the QPay app on your phone

    • Tap on Help > Change Password

    • Follow the prompts to change your password

  • From the QPay web app

    • Tap on Help & Settings > Reset

    • Follow the prompts to change your password

How do I change my phone number?

Phone numbers are connected to all your purchases in QPay. If you need to change it, please send an email with the email address associated with your QPay account to and we’ll update this for you 🙂

How do I remove my saved card details?
  • Go to the QPay app on your phone

  • Tap on Help > Manage Saved Cards to remove your saved card details

How do I manage my notification preferences?
  • Go to the QPay app on your phone

  • Tap on Help > Notifications Preferences to choose which notifications you would like to receive

How do I delete my account?
  • From the QPay app on your phone

    • Tap on Help > Profile > Bin icon to delete your icon

  • From the QPay web app

    • Head to the Help & Settings > Delete account

Note: Once your account is deleted, you can no longer access your tickets, memberships, and other purchases on QPay.

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