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Can I request a ticket refund?

Yes, you can.

  • Reach out to the event organiser (e.g. the student society committee), as they approve all ticket refunds. Messaging their Facebook page usually works best! 

  • Once the event organiser refunds your ticket, the money will be sent back to the original card of purchase. It can take up to 10 business days for the refund to appear in your bank account.

Where can I find my purchased tickets?

To view your ticket or have it scanned at the door:

  1. Download the QPay app or head over to the web app

  2. Login or register with the mobile number linked to your ticket

  3. Head over to the Purchases tab to view your tickets and memberships

Still no ticket? Best to reach out to the event organisers with your name and phone number. They will be able to find your ticket and transfer it to your mobile number (your QPay account).

How can I change my seating?
  • From the QPay app on your phone

    • Tap on Purchases and click on your ticket

    • Click on Order Summary

    • Select your preferred seating option from the dropdown menu

  • From the QPay web app

    • Click on your ticket from the dashboard or head to Past Purchases and find your ticket

    • Click on Your order details

    • Select your preferred seating option from the dropdown menu

You will not be able to change your seating if the event is about to happen or if there are no available seats anymore.

How do I sell my ticket on the QPay Marketplace?

To list your ticket for sale on the QPay marketplace:

  1. Log in or sign up to the QPay app on your phone (with the same mobile number that you use to purchase your ticket)

  2. Tap on the Purchases tab and locate the ticket that you wish to sell

  3. Tap on Sell this ticket and follow the prompts

To restrict the sale of your ticket to a friend, simply enter their mobile number when prompted. Only the QPay user with the mobile number specified will be able to view and purchase your ticket.

Simply leave this field blank if you would like your ticket listing to be public.

You can list and sell tickets for free. A service and payment processing fee will be included in the final listing price, which the buyer pays. For more information on pricing, please see

How close to an event can I sell my ticket on the QPay Marketplace?

Tickets can be resold on the QPay marketplace up to 4 hours before the event starts.

Tickets that are not sold by this time will be removed from the QPay marketplace automatically.

How do I cancel a marketplace listing?
  1. In the QPay app, head over to the Home tab

  2. Tap on your ticket listing under Marketplace Listings

  3. Tap on Cancel Listing

I sold my ticket or got a refund but have not received the funds?

Remittances take up to 10 business days to reflect on your bank statement, and are sent back to the original payment method used by default.

If the status of your refund is “Refund Pending”, this can be for a variety of reasons. The most common is that it hasn’t been 10 business days, or that club that issued the refunds have not actually released the funds.

How do I transfer my ticket to someone else?

To transfer or update details on your ticket, please reach out to the event organiser with the current name and mobile number, and the new name and mobile number. The event organiser can transfer it for you without payment occurring. Messaging them on Facebook is usually the fastest!

The new ticket holder will then simply need to log in or register with their mobile number in QPay, to view their ticket.

Please note that a ticket transfer doesn’t imply payment.

Can I change my dietary requirements?

Yes! Simply reach out to the event organisers - messaging them on Facebook usually works best! They should be able to update your ticket for you.

Can I print my ticket?

No! For many events, QR Barcode tickets dynamically change at a frequent intervals, meaning the code couldn’t be scanned once printed. We’re simultaneously preventing ticket scalping, and trees from being cut down 🌱 Hope you understand!

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